Monday, April 14, 2008

We're Going to Boston!

Wow! I guess I need to blog, huh? It’s been a while! Sorry! The week following Easter was Spring Break. We didn’t do much. We stayed home, saw a movie, went to Chuck E. Cheese, etc.

I entered another photo contest last month, but didn’t place. A little disappointing, but not unexpected. I did however win a small online photo contest at Lil’ Davis Designs, a scrapbooking website. The prize is $100 worth of Lil’ Davis product. So, that’s cool! Here is the pic that won:

This weekend, Dean and I will be going to Boston! Yay! He finally qualified for the Boston Marathon and we are flying up together. Lord willing! We originally had airline tickets with Skybus, but they went belly up recently along with 4 other airlines! Dean spent HOURS trying to find last minute tickets that we could afford, so please pray that we get to Boston and back without anymore fiascoes! Thanks! While we are gone, we will be parceling out our kids with other families. This was kind of hard because we will be gone for 2 school days, so we had to find families that 1) we trust with our kids, 2) have kids our kids age, 3) go to the same school, and 4)are willing/able to do it! We managed with Kai and Alyssa, but not Roan, so we are going to drive to Raleigh and leave him with my parents then fly out from the Raleigh/Durham airport. Please pray for our safety and the safety of our children while we are away. My next post will probably not be until after we get back.

Roan Quote: I picked Roan up from preschool the other day and he was acting disgruntled. I asked him if he had a good day, and he said yes (with a heavy sigh). I asked him what was wrong and he said he didn’t want to tell me. I said OK and left it at that. Less than a minute later he said, “OK, I’ll tell you.” Then preceded to tell me that 2 little girls in his class keep wanting to sit by him ALL the time and they say he’s their boyfriend. Then he said, “And I just can’t TAKE it!”


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

You are definitely TC (Too Cool)!


Anonymous said...

Congrats! That's why I strive to be just like you when I grow up! If I ever do grow up LOL! Love ya!


Anonymous said...

That is sOOOOOOO great. I forgot to even look today. I've been too busy and very tired. I'm proud of you Angie!!! You know you're great.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Congratulations! Love ya, Mom

D's Paper Studio said...

Angie I'll be pulling to Dean to place very well. And you enjoy yourself in Boston. Go have a spot of Tea at the Harbor. LOL I miss you lady.

Andrea said...

Yay Hooray! See you soon :-)