Monday, September 6, 2010

Hebrews 11:1

"Faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see."

To be honest, I've never really quite wrapped my brain around this one, to know what it really means. For the past year or so, my faith has been tested. I've had some conversations that have challenged some of the things I've always believed, or at least the way I've understood them. It had me questioning whether what I've always believed was wrong, or just different. How then can I know the truth? I'm not a scholar. I asked this person, based on some of what he told me, why/how he believes. He said he just does. He chooses to have faith in God. I still don't know exactly what to believe, in many cases it really doesn't matter, it's just semantics. But when it came down to brass tacks, I asked myself, "Why do I believe?" My answer was because I HOPE it's true. My heart tells me God is real and he loves me. I can't prove it. I can't participate in theological debates on the subject. Some people may think it is ridiculous and childish to believe something just because I want it to be so, nevertheless, I HOPE it's true.

Now I get it!

"Faith is the substance of things HOPED for, the evidence of things unseen." Hebrews 11:1


Anonymous said...

You are right. really a choice. "CHOOSE you this day whom you will serve.." Mom

Unknown said...

Wow, Angie. I've been asking myself those same questions for the past few years and find myself sort of where you are. However, though I HOPE it's true, every thing in me still says it's not. I can't handle the theological debates because I haven't found a rational way to prove God's existence, except to choose to believe it. And I just can't make myself "play along" just to get along. I like reading your thoughts here, you are always so thoughtful and pensive. Love ya, friend.

cassie said...

Had a dilemma yesterday with my oldest (13) daughter questioning God's existence and how can we know for sure. I sought out counsel on the matter and then wanted a few verses to read with her this evening. Within moments God directed me to you without me even realizing I had been "directed". I had just sat down to read Andi's latest blog and a few clicks later, here I am on yours. For me, little things like this are all the proof I need. Thanks.

cassie said...

And for some reason my profile is under said daughter's name. This is Chris from Florida. :)